Babysaurus Rex: My 1 Year Old Eats Like a Dinosaur

Something happened at the pediatrician last week that I don’t quite understand. Although I am happy to report I did not sob through my son’s booster shots again, I’m a little confused about the way I behaved.

One of my biggest parenting peeves (EVER) is when other parents assume that they can tell YOU how to parent. But motherhood is a lot like driving; once you figure out which side of the road you should be driving on, you have to figure out how to get where you’re going. Confusing? Yes. Yes, of course it is.

I have always been very careful about monitoring the foods my son is eating. I am hopeful that the healthy choices I make for him now will be healthy choices he will make for himself in the future. Despite my scientific-research-based and pediatrician-advised efforts, I have long endured comments from other moms about how chubby my son is.

“Oh, my! Look how chubby he is! You have a BIG boy! What are you feeding him?”

I smile, nod, and pretend to ignore the vocal emphasis on the word big that makes me think they might be describing a dinosaur. It’s not necessarily a weight issue, but the implication that I am feeding my son a brontosaurus for lunch and a Jurassic Park jeep for dinner. Not sure how either one of those got into my breast milk. Also, I thought his cereal puffs were sweet potato, not extinct-herbivore. I love-love-love my son’s chubby legs and knuckles, but are his eating habits and weight unhealthy?

After 4 shots, this little dinosaur was as angry as a Photoshopped T-Rex!

When we visited the pediatrician last week, I nervously waited for a lecture (or a take-home pamphlet) about my son’s weight. However, his height and weight were in the 44 and 50 percentiles. Yes, my son is perfectly average. I must have exhaled heavily, because the pediatrician asked me if something was wrong. I explained my concern that he was overweight, and she reminded me that he was, in fact, a baby. A healthy (and handsome) baby boy.

When I left the appointment, I felt like updating my status on Facebook to proudly announce how average my son was. However, I was embarrassed about what I had learned about myself, after all, bad parenting moments are among the most teachable if we aren’t too stubborn to admit it. Despite the fact that I have strong opinions which are easily expressed on my blog, I’m not otherwise vocal about agreeing or disagreeing with others. Yes, despite saying I don’t like it when other people tell me what to do, I take what others say VERY seriously. I mostly end up thinking that I am the one doing it wrong or not very well if someone else is doing it differently. And with billions of people on this planet, that’s a lot of ‘different.’

I could not possibly say enough good things about the network of moms and women I have encountered through blogging, web, and social networking communities for their pats-on-the-back and encouraging words when I dare to be brave about my feelings regarding parenting issues. It’s not that everyone agrees with me, but merely reminds me of the fact that we all must make decisions and assessments for ourselves.

And no, brontosaurus will not be on our dinner menu this evening.

15 thoughts on “Babysaurus Rex: My 1 Year Old Eats Like a Dinosaur

    • Thanks!

      You’re right. If parenting were a science, babies would come with instruction manuals. Unfortunately it is an art form… and art is always open to interpretation.

  1. He’s simply precious. And don’t worry, people ask me daily (and have since he was 4 months and 20 lbs) if Zac REALLY is the age I just said he was. I’m like, no lady, I just lied because I want him to be able to drink sooner. Assfaces are everywhere.

  2. I never mind the comments that I’ve already prepped myself for or thought about and determined that I like the way I’m doing things (such as co-sleeping and binkys and bottles after one year of age), but there are countless others just laden with judgement and criticism that make me ever so thankful I don’t live in a hip-happening city where there is so much competition to do things a certain way (and the BEST way). Your baby looks like a healthy adorable cutey.

    • You have summed up urban parenting perfectly: competitive. Life in DC feels overall competitive; how expensive are your boots, where did you go to college, and how are you parenting your child? Sure I could just ignore the competition but I just can’t seem to outgrow the urge to ‘fit in’ (aka, be just like everyone else). It’s a bad habit. But well said Elise and thanks for the compliment and encouragement! 🙂

  3. Hey…ur doc was right…ur baby boy is just so cute 🙂 He’s perfectly chubby as kids this age should be. This post of urs linked me to myself..when I was Mum just 10 mths old and inspite of not being superstitious at all, I had started putting a black Kajal mark behind my daughters ear, hidden 😉 to keep her safe from jealous eyes..she was that chubby..cute too 🙂 and just like you after getting such comments from neighbours..inspite of mum and MIL telling me she was just chubby and would get fine as she starts walking…I kept this concern to her paed and Happy to hear the same answer as yours!! The paed said – She’s just perfectly chubby for her better collect many clicks or u gonna miss this once she starts running in the house.” My lovely eater till 2…is now a fussy hardly eater by 5 😦
    ANd yes, I agree…people plz dont compare…our kids teach us themselves how mums should take care of them…advices are welcum but dont overburden us…We are no more teenagers..we are Mothers now!!! lol.
    Happy Parenting dear..hugs to the li’ll man 🙂

  4. I’m pretty sure that most pediatricians (at least the ones we’ve seen) have also completed training in family counselling – moms, specifically. They are so good at reassuring us moms that we’re doing a great job. Your son is adorable and I love his little chubs, especially his wrist creases. ❤ Congrats on not crying. That's a huge step.

    • Surprisingly, I think pediatricians have dealt with moms who were possibly more irrational than me. I did not cry, and unfortunately they did not offer me a lollipop for my good behavior. Might just whip up some tears next time for candy.

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