Working Mom Style: 3 Sweater Alternatives

As a working mom, my look is limited to the constraints of time and budget. Working Mom Style highlights simple ways to make a fashion statement. If you’re a corporate mom or a SAHM, these tips and tricks can work for you too!

Remember to follow my Working-Mom-Style Board on Pinterest for style tips that can work for any mom!

Although the winter has been mild, I often underestimate the chill. For years I have gotten warm and cozy with bulky sweaters, but there is nothing stylish about a gender-neutral and over sized sweater made for function and not fashion. Here are 3 sweater alternatives that will keep you warm and looking stylish.

3 Sweater Alternatives

Blazer: You can get blazers in many colors, patterns, and fabrics. Blazers also come in lightweight and heavyweight (for those days when it is really cold).

Just be careful with blazers. The wrong one can be just as bulky as sweaters if the cut and fit is too large.



Scarf: Scarves are an endless source of possibilities and options. They come in a variety of fabrics and lengths and can be the perfect accessory to any outfit.

You can also tie, twist, wrap, and drape your scarf in a number of different ways to change the entire look and accommodate any scarf length.

Poncho: Not only are ponchos trendy, they can be really warm and comfortable too. They can function as a light cover up, or even as an alternative to wearing a coat.

They’re also super comfortable! Nothing tight or restricting about a poncho.

4 thoughts on “Working Mom Style: 3 Sweater Alternatives

  1. Very cute! I do love blazers and scarves, but I didn’t even think about the poncho! Great suggestions (although working from home, no one will ever see). 🙂 For the record, I am travelling this week so I have to shower and dress myself.

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